Friday, March 25, 2005


It is the third day of my blogging experience, and i have to say, though it is still new and exciting, it has alredy lost some of it's luster. Yesterday when I awoke I could hardly contain my urge to blog. I hopped out of bed early and was at my office at 7:30 so i could get some quality blogging in before work started. But today when I woke up, I had a lesser desire to blog, and chose to sleep as long as i could instead of rushing in to blog. I am concerned that if things keep going the direction that they are, I will be at the point where I feel obligated to blog in the matter of a few weeks. Don't misunderstand me, I could still blog for hours on end, I just don't want it to be something that I must do. I did not start blogging to become of slave of the Blog. --on a tangent thought, I have determined that, when used as a noun, the word Blog should be capitalized. e.[This is my Blog] When used as a verb it should be left lower case e.[Would you like to come over and blog with me tonight?]-- Furthermore, It is my well-grounded belief that blogging should be fun, if blogging becomes not fun, then I will cease to blog.

Also, please enjoy these kittens



Anonymous Anonymous said...

maan can i get fries with that shake hold the kitten

Thursday, 21 July, 2005  

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