Thursday, August 04, 2005


While I was disconnected from the internet, Gizmo, who is really Natalie's cat but who nobody really likes anyway because she is so skittish and runs whoever anyone approaches her becuase Miako pretty much beat her up alot and chased her around during her kittenhood, had kittens, which has made her much more amicable, almost moreso than Miako, though she still lets Miako bully her around. I wish Gizmo would realize that she is an adult cat with claws too, and quit being afraid, but the kittens have made her much more affectionate, she really likes to be petted, still doesn't like to picked up, but she will come to us for attention now. Anyhow, I would post the picture that I took, except that it is of them on a nasty green blanket and you can see their dried up umbilical cords on it too, its just not a cute picture. Anyhow, kittens kind of look like short tailed rats when they are born, And I wonder how, when the mother cat is eating the placenta, she knows where placenta stops and kitten begins? I thought she was going to eat her kittens there for a moment. oh, she had four, and I have sort of named them, Logic, Junior, August, and Friday. Logic because it came out first and was born in a Logisys box, Junior because it is the only kitten to look like it's mom, August because it was born in July but August sounds Cuter, and Friday, because it was born last, and is a black kitten, like Robinson Carusoe's friend, Monday. END


Blogger Natalie said...

Ellie has a cat named Friday. He likes it when I sing to him. Seriously. He starts purring and rubbing his butt on me. Then again, I have that sort of effect on men.

Friday, 05 August, 2005  
Blogger Natalie said...

I was telling someone that you named your cats, and I remembered all of their names except for Junior. For some reason I thought you had named one of them Alexander. And I though that was a cool name for a cat. If I ever get another cat, I think I'm gonna name him Alexander. "Alexander the cat!" That's a cool name. And if he could talk, I would imagine that he would talk like a fat black man.

Monday, 08 August, 2005  

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