Wednesday, April 06, 2005


My Blog is superior to other Blogs in many ways. The fact is that my blog is not so much superior, as other blogs are inferior to it. There are reasons why inferiority happens to most other blogs, of which I will discuss in detail. Please keep in mind that I am not surmising that my Blog is the best Blog in the Blogoshpere, but I think it is not merely my own conjecture in estimating it to be in the eighty-seventh percentile.
The foremost error many bloggers make while blogging is that they assume that:

1. they have some kind of philosophy or viewpoint that is different/better than everyone elses.

2. People are actually going to want to read about the mundane things they do every day... e.g. "today I woke up, then I fed the dog. I had eggs for Breakfast and went to work, then I came home and watched CSI and now I am blogging."

3. people are going to want to read about all the poor sad things that are happening to them. e.g. "Today I got mud on my new Gucci bag, this is the worst day evar :("

On my Blog, you will not see any of these occurances taking place (pnock on kwood). My blog is designed to give the reader tid-bits of my view of the world, not that that view is anything spectaulous, or fantasmic, but it is funny. My blog lives on in the hearts of it's readers as exemplified by the quote "Laugh and the world laughs with you. Cry and you'll have to do it by yourself in a closet, because most people don't want to cry with you"
In conclusion, my blog has staying power, and is enjoyed by all five of it's readers. It is also worth a thousand dollars in internet money. And it is funny, that is, I think it is humerus, and that is what counts.


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