Friday, April 08, 2005


Someone asked me the other day, "How do you manage to make such a good Blog?" and I said, "Oh, you've seen my Blog?." and then they said, "I asked you how do you want your hot dog?" But, if someone did ask me how I manage to make such a good blog this is what I would say to them:

1. Find something to talk about - This could be anything from light bulbs to zoroastrianism. But whatever it is, a post about something, should keep talking about that thing.

2. Take a GOOD picture - find or take a simple picture that goes well with whatever you are talking about. Preferably a picture of whatever you are talking about. Avoid taking random pictures or pictures that are too busy with not subject.

3. Find a creative way to write - take something that has been done before and change it to reflects what you are talking about, like a poem, or a movie. Use a list, use the constitution, make a diorama, t be creative.

4. Be careful about how much you talk about yourself - there is a lined between a something that you did and an egocentric story about what you did. avoid lots of details, use two or three details and talk about their minutae meanings and stuff.

5. Don't be boring - even boring things can be interesting with the right writing. Interesting things can be boring with bad writing. Read your entries twice to make sure they don't suck.

There are some other things that are important to the "Art de la Blog" as well, but we will save those for a later essay. In summary, Be creative, Use your head, and don't suck. Good Luck, and Good Blogging!