Wednesday, July 06, 2005

TO BLOG.....OR NOT TO BLOG.......What was the question again?

Well, I, for one, am definitely in favor of keeping the blog. For many different reasons. The main one being that I have this blog bookmarked and so I check it every couple of days or so for updates. To no avail recently, but I still check.

Luke, I think by adding this element to your blog, you may, in fact, increase your own personal blogging activity as well as some your fellow bloggers' activity who may also now post on this blog.

So, that's one for keeping it.


Blogger Mr. Youngs said...

I like you posting in that color on this blog.

Wednesday, 06 July, 2005  
Blogger Natalie said...

So, I have to remember what color I posted in??? I'll's like a mint color or something...

Wednesday, 06 July, 2005  
Blogger Natalie said...

Actually, now that I look at it again, the heading is in mint and the body is in teal.

Wednesday, 06 July, 2005  

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