Wednesday, November 23, 2005


It's been over two months since we lost Logic. And although he will always have a teeny-tiny place in our hearts, it's time to move on. His moment of silence has passed. We must now try to focus on the happy parts of our lives. With that said, I'd like to tell you all about someone very special that just recently entered my life.

His name is Tony. He's adorable. I met him one afternoon when Breezie had brought him home. She said she "just couldn't resist him." When I saw him, I agreed. He's so cute. We're letting him stay in my dining room because the people he used to live with just didn't have room for him. Poor guy, how could they kick him out? It just didn't make sense. He doesn't talk that much, so he's not bothersome, and really he pretty much just stays in one spot, so he doesn't take up that much room. I don't know....he's just wonderful to be around. When you come home, he's always there. And he just gets right on your finger. Oh, he's a parakeet by the way.

We really like him. I'm trying to find a picture on the net to give you an idea of what he looks like, but I can't find one similar to him. Ok, I found one, except the black markings on the bird in this picture are more grey on Tony, but it's close enough. I really like him. He's very pleasant and he likes to play and make kissy noises. And he's not really messy. And he doesn't stink. I think I'll keep him!!

The second day we had him, we decided to see if he could fly or if his wings were clipped. (We're retarded so we couldn't tell by looking at him.) Anyhow, he just wouldn't come out of the cage. He's such a good bird. Finally, I got him to get out and he flipped out and starting flying around and crashing into the walls and stuff. There was one point when I thought he was gonna fall in the toilet!! I closed the lid really quick so we wouldn't have a dead bird on our hands. I guess he CAN fly.

Anyways...ya'll should come meet him sometime. He's a cutie-patootie.

Until next time.


Blogger Mr. Youngs said...

Im glad to see some activity on this page, its been dead far too long.

Wednesday, 14 December, 2005  

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