Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Just don't ask what happened next

Haiku 001

My blog is so' great
much better than the others!
yes, it is the bomb.

Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Who ordered the kitten stout?


I guess I expected that flocks of people would view my blog this weekend, so I was a little dissapointed to see that only one comment had been posted. People just don't know how wonderful my blog is, they aren't aware of what it is they are missing out on. I know they could amuse themselves for hours on hours reading, and rereading my blog! I suppose I need to start getting links to my blog on some of the most popular sites, like,,, and I am sure that once my blog is known to the masses, it will be the best things since sliced bread...bigger than the Beatles!!

The only other problem is that I don't have enough time to post twice a day, like I had hoped. That and I am not as creative as I can be every day that I need to post. I guess that is why many sites need ghost writers and such. Maybe I will have to hire some.

Friday, March 25, 2005

An orange and cream kitten


It is the third day of my blogging experience, and i have to say, though it is still new and exciting, it has alredy lost some of it's luster. Yesterday when I awoke I could hardly contain my urge to blog. I hopped out of bed early and was at my office at 7:30 so i could get some quality blogging in before work started. But today when I woke up, I had a lesser desire to blog, and chose to sleep as long as i could instead of rushing in to blog. I am concerned that if things keep going the direction that they are, I will be at the point where I feel obligated to blog in the matter of a few weeks. Don't misunderstand me, I could still blog for hours on end, I just don't want it to be something that I must do. I did not start blogging to become of slave of the Blog. --on a tangent thought, I have determined that, when used as a noun, the word Blog should be capitalized. e.[This is my Blog] When used as a verb it should be left lower case e.[Would you like to come over and blog with me tonight?]-- Furthermore, It is my well-grounded belief that blogging should be fun, if blogging becomes not fun, then I will cease to blog.

Also, please enjoy these kittens


Thursday, March 24, 2005

A cream colored kitten


I recently, as of yesterday, began "blogging" and already I feel the great weight of responsibility resting squarely on my shoulders. It began as a simple, fun thing, yet has already grown into much much more. Don't get me wrong. I am in awe of my Blog (as of yet i am unsure if the word "Blog" should be capitalized, it seems like it should so I shall). I can sit at read my posts over and over and over again, and enjoy the sheer artistry of the pre-made background mixed in with my own stunning photography, and laugh over and over at my witty jibes and creative quips. As I stare deep into my Blog, i start to feel like I am doing too little. Thoughts run through my head, like an old woman in a wheelchair who has lost control and is speeding down a hill in St. Petersburg: Am I doing too little? Am I doing too much? If I add more text, will it be funny enough, will it be cluttered?
Someone I don't know actually liked my far. What if I cannot fulfill this person's liking? What if I have unfunny posts for a day? What if I cant find a pair of clean dress socks that matches and I have to wear a Mickey Mouse Christmas sock paired up with a Garfield Christmas sock on Easter Sunday? These are the kinds of questions that are constantly spinning inside my head.
My blog must live up to it's potential, I mean, I could solve some of the worlds biggest issues on my blog, or find cures to unknown deiseases, or help people budget their money and buy homes with no money down.
So I say, ONWARD. I am prepared to meet the challenge of the Blog, ready to test my whit, and my mettle, and courage, and perhaps some honor?

Also I think some Haiku would be nice.
